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Automotive dictionary (encyklopedia)

Dictionary of terms and abbreviations for cars (automobiles), motorcycles (bikes),
bicycles, boats, engines, machines, machining and car fixing.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


QQuantum Hall effectQuaternary phaseshift keying
Q-bandQuantum mechanicsQuattro
Q-codeQuantum numberQueen
Q-factorQuantum statisticsQueen bolt
Q-feelQuantum theoryQueen closer
Q-gasQuantum tunnellingQueen post roof
Q-meterQuantum voltageQueen-post
Q-shellQuantum wireQuench
Q-signalQuantum yieldQuench area
Q-switchingQuaquaversal foldQuench frequency
Q-valueQuarkQuench oil
QAMQuarlQuench time
QCQuarrelQuench zones
QCDQuarriesQuenched cullet
QEDQuarry stone bondQuenching
QianaQuarry tileQuenching media
QICQuarry-facedQuenching oscillator
QPP amplifierQuarry-pitchedQuery language
QTSQuarterQuick make-and-break switch
QuadQuarter bendQuick release
Quad CabQuarter bondQuick release hitch pin
Quad forkQuarter bumperQuick release skewer
Quad-cam engineQuarter lightQuick return mechanism
QuadrantQuarter light filler panelQuick sweep
Quadrant dividersQuarter linesQuick take-up valve
Quadrant electrometerQuarter page folderQuick test
Quadrantal diviationQuarter panelQuick-break switch
Quadrantal pointQuarter turnQuick-connect coupling
QuadrantidsQuarter valanceQuick-release
QuadraphonicsQuarter windowQuick-release skewer
QuadratQuarter window filler panelQuick-setting inks
Quadratic equationQuarter-boundQuick-setting level
Quadratic systemQuarter-chord pointQuicking
QuadratureQuarter-elliptic leaf springQuicklime
Quadrature amplitude modulationQuarter-inch cartridgeQuicksand
Quadrature componentQuarter-phase systemsQuicksilver
Quadrature reactanceQuarter-space landingQuiescent
Quadrature transformerQuarter-wave antennaQuiescent carrier transmission
QuadricQuarter-wave barQuiescent current
QuadricycleQuarter-wave lineQuiescent operating point
QuadrilateralQuarter-wave plateQuiescent period
Quadrilateral speed-time curveQuarter-wavelength stubQuiescent push-pull amplifier
QuadripoleQuarteringQuiescent tank
QuadrivalentQuartersQuiet automatic volume control
QuadrophonicsQuartic equationQuieting sensitivity
Quadruple pointQuartileQuill
Quadruple-expansion engineQuartoQuill bearing
QuadruplexQuartzQuill drive
Quadruplex systemQuartz crystalQuill pedal
QuadrupoleQuartz glassQuill shaft
Quadrupole momentQuartz halogen bulbQuill-type bearing
QuadrupolesQuartz lampQuinaldine
Qualification testQuartz oscillatorQuincke's method
Qualifying diaphragmQuartz porphyriteQuinhydrone
Qualitative analysisQuartz porphyryQuinhydrone electrode
QualityQuartz resonatorQuinine
Quality controlQuartz topazQuinizarine
Quality factorQuartz tuning systemQuinol
Quality gradingQuartz wedgeQuinoline
Quality levelQuartz windQuinones
Quality managementQuartz-dioriteQuinonoid formula
Quality of serviceQuartz-doleriteQuinoxalines
Quality systemsQuartz-fiber balanceQuintal
QuantileQuartz-fiber electroscopeQuintic equation
QuantiMetQuartz-halogen bulbQuintozene
Quantitative analysisQuartz-iodine lampQuintuple point
Quantity of electricityQuartz-keratophyreQuire
Quantity of lightQuartziteQuire spacing
Quantity of radiationQuasarQuirewise
Quantity surveyorQuasi S-VHS playbackQuirk
QuantizationQuasi-biennial oscillationQuirk float
Quantization distortionQuasi-bistabie circuitQuirk moulding
Quantization distortion unitQuasi-duplexQuirk-bead
Quantization noiseQuasi-elastic methodQuirk-router
QuantometerQuasi-Fermi levelsQuitclaim
QuantumQuasi-geostrophic approximationQuoin
Quantum chromodynamicsQuasi-longitudinal waveQuoin header
Quantum efficiencyQuasi-optical wavesQuoin post
Quantum electrodynamicsQuasi-stationary frontQuotations
Quantum electronicsQuaternaryQuotient group
Quantum field theoryQuaternary ammonium basesQWERTY keyboard
Quantum gravityQuaternary diagram 

Total number of terms starting with Q: 254


Car Insurance FAQs #3

Why is the insurance company not returning all of my premium after the policy was canceled?

Depending on the type of policy, you may be required to pay a minimum premium, or the premium may be fully "earned." In other instances, if you replaced your coverage with a different company, during the policy term, you may be subject to a "short-rate" penalty, which is usually about 10% of the unearned amount. You might also have some premium due for recent changes in coverage. The company should be able to provide a detailed billing history that explains the return-premium calculation.

Am I required to complete a medical questionnaire?


